Privacy Policy

In Mederi KOI, we value and respect the privacy of our users. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect the personal information you provide to us.

Thank you for visiting our website. This privacy policy explains how we handle the information and personal data collected during your visit. Please read carefully:

1-) Information gathering:

1.1-) Collection of emails:

When subscribing to our newsletter or expressing interest in receiving information about our projects, we request and collect your email address. This process enables us to keep you informed about the latest updates, launches, and events related to Mederi KOI.

The collected email addresses are used exclusively for the purpose of sending communications related to the newsletter and our projects. We want to ensure that you are among the first to know about our initiatives and receive relevant content.

We are committed to protecting the security of your personal information. We implement technological and organizational security measures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the collected data.

We do not share, sell, or rent your personal information to third parties without your express consent. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us.

1.2-) Cookies

At Mederi KOI, we use cookies and similar technologies to enhance your user experience and provide personalized service. By accessing and using our website, you agree to the use of cookies according to the terms of this policy. We utilize the services of Automattic; for more information, please refer to the Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device when you visit our website. These cookies contain information used to enhance functionality and the user experience.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies solely for the purpose of improving the user experience on our website. This includes, among other things, remembering your preferences, personalizing content, and analyzing site performance to optimize its functionality.

User experience improvement:

We consider our website as your virtual home, and just like in your home, we want to provide you with the best possible experience. Cookies allow us to tailor our site to your preferences, making it more relevant and useful for you.

Control in Cookies:

You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings. Please note that disabling certain cookies may impact the functionality and user experience on our website.

Update of the cookie policy:

We reserve the right to update or modify this cookie policy at any time. Any changes will be reflected on this page.

By using our website, you are consenting to the use of cookies in accordance with the terms of this policy. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at

1.3-) NO unauthorized data collection policy:

At Mederi KOI, we are committed to protecting your privacy and maintaining the trust you place in us when visiting our site. This policy specifically addresses our stance on unauthorized information collection.

Unauthorized infomation:

In no case do we collect personal information without your explicit and authorized consent. We value transparency and integrity in all our data collection practices.

User consent:

Any personal information we collect will be obtained through your informed consent. We will not engage in any unauthorized data collection or use your data for unspecified purposes

Responsible use of information:

The information provided by you will be used solely for the purposes for which you have given your consent. We will not share, sell, or rent your personal information without your explicit approval.

Collection Transparency:

We are committed to being transparent about how and why we collect information. Any changes to our data collection practices will be communicated clearly and transparently.

Information control:

You have full control over the information you choose to share with us. At any time, you can modify your privacy preferences or request the removal of your personal data from our databases.

Respect for privacy:

We strive to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information. We implement security measures to ensure the protection of your data against unauthorized access.

We do not collect sensitive data:

We do not collect or request sensitive information, such as medical data, political affiliation, or financial information, unless provided explicitly and with your consent.

We take privacy seriously and strive to ensure that your personal information is protected and used in an ethical and responsible manner.

2-) Links to external sites:

Our website may contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of such sites, and we encourage users to read the privacy policies of those sites.

Purpose of links:

The links to external sites are provided for informational and educational purposes. We do not necessarily endorse or promote the content of these sites, and their inclusion does not imply an affiliation or association.

Absence of responsibility:

We are not responsible for the content, accuracy, legality, or functionality of linked external sites. The responsibility for any interaction or transaction with these sites lies entirely with the user.

Changes from external sites:

External websites may change their content and policies at any time without prior notice. We have no control over these changes and cannot guarantee the accuracy and timeliness of the information provided on such sites.

External privacy policy:

When accessing an external website through our links, we recommend reviewing the privacy policy and terms of use of that specific site. These policies may differ from ours.

Potential Risks:

Accessing external sites involves certain risks, including the possibility of exposure to unwanted content, computer viruses, or other threats. Caution is recommended, and appropriate security measures should be applied when interacting with external sites.

This external links policy aims to provide clarity about our position regarding linked content and sites, as well as to inform users about Mederi KOI’s lack of responsibility in this regard.

3-) Privacy security:

At Mederi KOI, we take data security seriously and are committed to protecting the personal information you entrust to us. This policy describes the measures we have implemented to ensure the security of your data:

Personal data protection:

We implement technological and organizational security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, loss, disclosure, or alteration. This includes the use of encryption protocols and firewall systems.

Limited access:

Access to personal information is restricted only to those employees and collaborators who need access to such information to fulfill their duties. All individuals involved are trained to handle information securely.

Blackup and recovery:

We regularly back up data to ensure its integrity and availability. Additionally, we have implemented recovery plans in case of any incident that may affect data availability.

Security update:

We keep our systems and software updated with the latest security updates and patches to mitigate potential risks related to known vulnerabilities.

Continuous monitoring:

We continuously monitor the security of our systems to detect and address any suspicious activity. Additionally, we have established procedures to respond promptly to potential security incidents.

Commitment to privacy:

We are committed to protecting your privacy and using your personal data ethically and responsibly. Any misuse or violation of this policy will be treated seriously.

Collaboration with security experts:

We collaborate with information security experts to continually assess and enhance our security measures. We aim to stay at the forefront of best security practices.

This data security policy reflects our ongoing commitment to safeguarding confidential information. We strive to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of the data you share with us.


If you have questions about our privacy policy, please contact us;

Acceptance of Terms:

By using our website, you agree to the terms of this privacy policy.

We appreciate the trust you place in us when using our website. We strive to protect your privacy and provide you with a secure and valuable experience. We hope the reading wasn’t too heavy; we’ve done our best to make it easy to read and understand. We also recommend reviewing the privacy policy periodically, as there may be future changes.

-Mederi KOI team

Read our Conditions and Terms

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